Monday, 1 August 2011

Geographical Features

The State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir lies between longitude 730 – 750 and latitude 330 – 360 and comprises an area of 5134 square miles (13,297 square kilometres). The topography of the area is mainly hilly and mountainous with valleys and stretches of plains. The area is full of natural beauty with thick forest, fast flowing rivers and winding streams. Main rivers are Jehlum, Neelum and Poonch. The climate is sub-tropical highland type with an average yearly rainfall of 1300 mm. The elevation ranges from 360 meters in the South to 6325 meters in the North.
About 42% of the total Geographical area (0.6 million hectares approximately) is controlled by the Forest Department. The per capita standing volume and area are 400 cft and 0.2 hectares respectively. Annual wood demand is 1.65 million cubic meters and sustainable production is 0.7 million cubic meters.

The area under cultivation is around 166,432 hectares (almost 13% of the total area), out of which 92% of the cultivable area is rain-fed. The area under cultivation is around 166,432 hectares (almost 13% of the total area), out of which 92% of the cultivable area is rain-fed.

Geographical Features
5134 Sq. Miles 13297 Sq Km
1.330 Million Hectors
3.286 million Acres
73º ? 75º
33º? 36º
Mainly hilly and Mountainous with terraces Valleys and Plains at some places.
Climate Temperature
Sub-tropical highland type
Maximum 45.2 oC
Minimum -2.6 oC
1300 mm on the average
Elevation from sea
  • Range from South
  • Range from North
360 meters
6325 meters
Snow Line
  • In Winter around
  • In Summer around
1200 meters
3300 meters
Main Rivers
Jhelum , Neelum & Poonch

5134 Sq. Miles 13297 Sq Km
1.330 Million Hectors
3.286 million Acres

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